
——华二国际部:23 年老牌国际部的育才之路

International Education Localised with Chinese Pre-eminence

– 23 years in nurturing talents at the International Division of No. 2 High School of ECNU


An International Division at a Public High School in China’s Silicon Valley
Born as Shanghai Stepped onto the Global Arena


China began its reform and opening to the world in 1978, and in 1990 the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council made the decision to develop Pudong and open up the district to the world. Two years later Zhangjiang High Technology Park was set up, later known as ‘China’s Silicon Valley’. Located in the High-Tech Park, the International Division of No. 2 High School of East China Normal University (EFZID) was established in 1999. ‘At that time Shanghai was marching forward on its way to becoming a cosmopolitan city. As many foreigners and overseas Chinese students came to work here, the demand arose that they expected their children to receive high-quality international education,’ recalled Mrs He Xiaowen, then principal of No. 2 High School of ECNU (EFZ) who established the International Division, one of the first government-run international divisions in public schools approved by the Municipal Education Commission of Shanghai.

坐落于张江高科这片开放包容的科技高地,23年来,随着全球化的进程不断深入,华二国际部也与中国、上海、浦东共同成长,互相见证。如今的华二国际部已经成为上海的一所老牌国际教育名校,它不仅是直属国家汉办的汉语国际推广基地,国务院侨办下属的华文教育基地,HSK考试基地,同时也是AP学校、美国大学联盟生源基地学校,ACT考点,全美数学联赛AMC (American Mathematics Competition)、英国生物竞赛等国际知名竞赛考点。近年来,申请美国方向的学生90%升入美国排名前50的大学,申请海外其他国家大学的学生也均升入该国名列前茅的知名大学,申请中国大学的外国留学生90%以上被北京大学、清华大学、复旦大学、上海交通大学录取,港澳台侨联考一本率高达100%。

Over the past 23 years as the trend of globalisation has been advancing forward, EFZID, located in the open and inclusive highland of science and technology of Zhangjiang, is growing up with Pudong, Shanghai and China, witnessing each other’s achievements. Today’s EFZID is a well-known and well-established institution of international education in Shanghai. It is a certified teaching and testing venue of HSK, a centre of Chinese language teaching and learning under the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of China’s State Council, a certified school offering AP courses and the test venue of major international examinations and competitions including ACT, American Mathematics Competition (AMC) and Biology Competition of the UK. In recent years 90% of the students applying for higher education institutions in the U.S. were admitted by those ranking in the top 50. Students applying for universities and colleges in other countries and regions were admitted by the top ones there as well. Over 90% of the students applying for universities in China were admitted by Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University. All students taking the Chinese National College Entrance Examination for Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Overseas Chinese Students have been enrolled in the first-batch universities available for application.


EFZID not only helps the students to go global, but also serves as a window for foreign students to learn about China. Many a project in international exchanges has been carried out successfully, said the supervisor of foreign teachers Ms Lai Yin. For instance, EFZID has been carrying on friendly exchanges with Convitto Nazionale Roma for over 7 years. In March 2019 eight Italian students there wrote a letter to President Xi Jinping before his visit to Italy that year, expressing their expectations to the visit and best wishes for China-Italy friendship. They received a reply from President Xi and an interview from China’s state television. Not surprisingly, three of the eight students had spent a year of exchange study at EFZID. At EFZID such courses are offered as Chinese Literature, Chinese Language, Chinese Culture, Classics Reading, Recitation, and Writing. In addition, student events including Chinese Language and Art Competition and Singing Competition are organised throughout the academic year with the aim that students will become little ambassadors who understand, befriend and appreciate China so as to promote friendly exchanges between China and the world.


‘Top Four High Schools in Shanghai’ Plus International Education
to Achieve Global Pre-eminence of Chinese Education


Over the past 23 years, EFZID has been focusing on course development and has opened up a new road of ‘international education localised with Chinese pre-eminence’. The strength of the Chinese education lies in its efficiency of organising knowledge and classroom as well as sharing resources among teachers. That of the international education lies in student experience and feedback, teacher-student and student-student collaboration, and the process of learning. While developing its courses, EFZID integrates the principles and approaches adopted in the international education with local practice and sets up a platform of exchange for local and foreign teachers so as to build an international curriculum which is efficient and of high-quality. According to Mr Li Zhicong, former principal of EFZ, one of the missions of EFZID is to carry out its own localised education and teaching reform.

中西合璧,不是中外课程的简单组合,而是深度融合的课程体系。为了将华二本部的本土教育优势与国际教育相结合,华二国际部采用中国教育部、上海市统编教材和华二校本教材,同时引进美国、英国、加拿大等国的原版教材,并辅以各种外文报刊杂志和多媒体资源;在教学目标上,不仅要求学生在语文、数学、理化、史地等方面与本地同年级学生保持同等的知识储备与技能水准,更要求学生在Literature、Science、Writing、Social Study等学科上与欧美同龄人保持相当的学术水平和学习能力。课程实施过程中着重学生学习能力、眼光视野、综合素养等多方面核心素质的培育。华二国际部还为学生提供了跨越多个学科,丰富多彩的选修课程:AMC、CEMC、数学竞赛辅导、物理基础拓展、Scratch编程和项目设计、Python编程入门、纪录片入门与制作、Magazine Writing,Design and Photography、神经科学、思辨的智慧、跨文化交际与传播、中外艺术史和手绘基础、美国文学、日语写作、心理游戏部落、戏剧表演、拳击与防身术等,学生还可以与校本部中国学生共享华二本部的百余门选修课程,这些课程最大限度满足了不同层次基础、不同兴趣爱好、不同专业志向学生的需求。除此之外,依托于华东师范大学和华二校本部的科创实力,国际部成立了少年科学院,旨在发现学生的创新潜质,培养学生的创新能力。近五年来华二国际部科创学术硕果累累,数学竞赛、物理竞赛、USAD等有331人次10个团队分别获得金、银、铜牌等奖项;在上海市、区各类科创大赛、机器人挑战赛、人工智能大赛中有95人次45个团队分别获得一、二、三等奖等各种奖项;在全国、上海市各类辩论比赛及模拟联合国大会中有36人次荣获三冠王特别荣誉奖、一、二、三等各种奖项……人文精神、科学素养,均在华二国际部中西合璧的课程体系中得以实现。

Blending the East with the West does not mean to simply add the two but to integrate the two systems of curriculum at a deeper level. To realise this blend of local strength with that of the international education, EFZID adopts the textbooks recommended by the Chinese Ministry of Education and the Municipal Education Commission of Shanghai as well as the school-based textbooks at EFZ. In the meantime, we have imported textbooks from the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and other countries in combination with materials from overseas newspapers, magazines and multimedia. We make it clear in our teaching aims that the students should reach the same level as local students in the subjects of Chinese Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, History and Geography. On the other hand, students are required to reach the same level in academic performance as their American and European counterparts in Literature, Science, Writing and Social Study. We focus on learning capacity, global outlook and comprehensive accomplishment when carrying out the curriculum. EFZID also offers students colourful interdisciplinary electives including AMC, CEMC, Mathematics Competition, Basic Skills Training in Physics, Scratch Programming and Design, Introduction to Python, Documentary Film Making, Magazine Articles Writing, Design and Photography, Neuroscience, Critical Thinking, Cross-Cultural Communication, History of Chinese and Foreign Arts, Sketch Drawing, American Literature, Japanese Writing, Psychology Games, Drama, Boxing and Self-Defence Skills, etc. Students have the opportunity to choose from over 100 electives from the local division at EFZ to meet their individual interest, level of achievement and major of future study. Furthermore, EFZID has established a Junior Academy of Sciences with the support in science and innovation capacity of East China Normal University and the local division of EFZ, aiming to explore and develop students’ creativity. Science and innovation programmes at EFZID in recent five years have borne rich fruits. Three hundred and thirty-one students and ten teams won respectively gold, silver and bronze medals in mathematics competitions, physics competitions, USAD, etc. Ninety-five students and forty-five teams won respectively the first, second and third prizes in creative science competitions, robot challenge contests and artificial intelligence competitions at district and municipal levels. Thirty-six students won respectively the first, second and third prizes as well as a special honorary award for three consecutive championships in debate competitions at various levels and in model United Nations. Humanistic spirits and scientific literacy have been fully reflected in the blended courses at EFZID.


As an old Chinese saying goes, peaches and plums do not speak yet a path is worn beneath them. EFZID has been sparing no effort in closely following the idea of blending the East with the West and has made remarkable achievements. It has become a famous and coveted school of many foreign and overseas Chinese students as well as students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Graduates from EFZID are all-round talents who can accommodate to different cultures and academic environments. We at EFZID, with our strong sense of social responsibility, deep affection for the world and sincere sentiments to the humanity, look forward to seeing you on our campus.

相关链接:总投资超1.5亿元,二附中科创大楼今天奠基(The foundation of the Science and Innovation Building of EFZ, with a total investment of over 150 million yuan, was laid in December 2021, and is expected to complete in September 2023.)


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Official website: www.hseid.com

学校地址:上海市浦东新区晨晖路 555 号

Visit us: No. 555 Chenhui Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

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Call us: +86 21 50804157, +86 21 50801890-5029