“Seeing Spring”

-- Idiom Competition for 6th Grade of the International Division

At 2:00 pm on April 10th, the final round of the Idiom Competition for the 6th grade of the International Division was held in Classroom 412. The event was hosted by Zhang Zixuan, with Wu Dan, Zhang Manrui, Lv Xiaojing, Wang Shuyu, and Li Fenglin serving as judges.

This Idiom Competition was themed “Seeing Spring”. From the class preliminaries, all 6th graders were fervent and highly driven. Each of the three 6th grade classes dispatched their top five players from the preliminary rounds to compete. Prior to the competition, the students eagerly gathered and organized idioms related to the spring, demonstrating a self-awareness and proactive approach to learning idioms and appreciating the allure of the Chinese culture.

On the day, the spring breeze brushed over the fresh greenery, the air of spring filled Classroom 412 of the International Division as the intense competition got underway.

The first round was answering compulsory questions, where each team had to write down four-word idioms covering “red”, “wind”, “fragrance”, “green”, and “spring” within the designated time and submit them to the staff in the “pearl matchup” round. Class A scored 70 points, while Classes B and C both scored 80 points in this round.

The second round was a buzzer round, where the players had to quickly say three idioms as required. Despite the increased difficulty, the players remained enthusiastic and eagerly pressed the buzzer to answer. The first successful buzzer press came from a student from Class B, who had to name three words ending with “rain” and earned 30 points for his class. After several rounds of questions, Class A gained 130 points, Class B 110 points, and Class C 80 points. Who would be the ultimate champion of this competition?  Everyone eagerly awaited the outcome.

The third round, “Following the Clues,” was full of surprises. In this round, players had to describe idioms based on pictures. Lu Yingze from Class C was unstoppable, answering four questions in a row and earning applause from the entire audience. After this round, the score changed to 130 points for Class A and Class B, with Class C close behind at 120 points, making the competition very intense.

After a short break, the most interesting round of the idiom competition began – the fourth round of “Charades.” The order of answering was decided by drawing lots, with Class B drawing the first lot. Sun Lixin from Class B tried his best to perform, but the guessing student could only answer with “can’t decide whether to laugh or cry.” The second player from Class C came onto stage and was confident from the start, using vivid actions and pictures and he earned a high score.

The fifth round was the classic idiom chain game, with two rounds in total. It was full of excitement. In the first round, Class A took the lead and ranked first, but in the second round, students from Class C cooperated seamlessly and performed brilliantly, achieving a comeback that earned thunderous applause from the audience.

After five rounds of intense competition, Class C won the championship with 240 points, while Class A took the second place with 220 points, and Class B took the third place with 190 points. The judges also gave two individual awards – Most Knowledgeable Award going to Lu Yingze from Class 6C, and Wu Tongyi from Class A winning Most Stylish Award for his outstanding performance in the “Charades” and idiom chain game rounds. Congratulations to all the players!

Idioms are an important part of the traditional Chinese culture. They are concise and clear, and behind each idiom lies a vivid story and a profound philosophy.  The International Division hopes that through the idiom competition, students will enrich idiom knowledge, improve language cultivation, and further create a strong Chinese learning atmosphere, carrying forward the excellent Chinese culture.

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